Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 91

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 9
issue Number : 91

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 9، ، issue Number 91

Comparison of the novels "I turn off the lights" by Zoya Pirzad and "Seed of evil" by Belgheis Soleimani with the approach of urban and rural sociology

Afkham Alsadat Kia , Hassan Bassak (Author in Charge), Morteza Haji Mazdarani , Mohammad Javad Erfani


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sociology is a science that examines society and social phenomena and is also effective in changing and maintaining existing processes in society. In the sociology of literature, literary works are examined from the perspective of society and social productions and the elements and structures in them. It is necessary to identify the connection between the ideas and principles of sociology and its various approaches in different literary works. This research will examine the expressions of urban and rural sociology in the novel "I turn off the lights" and "Seed of evil".

METHODOLOGY: This research has been done by a descriptive and analytical method and the method of collecting information is library research.

FINDINGS: The prominent features of the urban society in the novel "I turn off the lights" are: Prosperity, new thoughts, intellectual freedom, personal freedom, women"s affairs, limited socializing and easy business. The prominent features of the rural society in the novel "Seed of Evil" are: Prejudice, intellectual limitation, women and lifestyle, hard work and difficult lifestyle, hard business, simple and old styles, great socializing and intimacy.

CONCLUSION: Based on the realistic elements related to urban and rural sociology, it is clear that in the novel "I turn off the lights", the personal and social life style is modern, industrial, individualistic, without personal and social boundaries and limited to few people. Most relationships are described at the family level. In the novel "Seed of Evil", the personal and social life style is old-fashioned, full of personal and social boundaries and includes many people. The urban society is described along with the state of the rural society.

I turn off the lights , Zoya Pirzad , Seed of evil , Belgheis Soleimani , urban and rural sociology approach

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